

Human Cord Blood CD34+(hHSC) Stem / Progenitor Cells
Figure 1.  Flow cytometric analysis showed that >90% of the cells are CD34+ (CB CD34+)

Cat#: CBCD34-C1M (Frozen, Single donor, 1 million/vial)

Cat#: CBCD34mix-C1M (Frozen, Mixed donors, 1 million/vial)

가능 용량 : 0.5M, 2M cells/vial

CD34 is a glycosylated transmembrane protein and represents a well-known marker for primitive blood- and bone marrow-derived progenitor cells, especially for hematopoietic and endothelial stem cells. CD34+ stem cells are multipotent and can differentiate to all hematopoietic cell types in blood.  CD34+ cells can also give rise to all lymphohematopoietic lineages even though they comprise only a small percentage of the cell population.

Our CD34+ cells are isolated using positive immunomagnetic cell separation procedures from single or mixed healthy donors. All cord blood is collected in Citric Phosphate with Dextrose Buffer (CPD)  from fully consented IRB approved donors.

CD34 is a cluster of differentiation (CD) first described independently by Civin et al. and Tindle et al.[6][7][8][9] in a cell surface glycoprotein and functions as a cell-cell adhesion factor. It may also mediate the attachment of stem cells to bone marrow extracellular matrix or directly to stromal cells.

Human Normal Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (hPBMC)

Cat#: PBMC-C100M (Frozen, 100 million/vial)

가능 용량 : 10M, 20M, 50M, 300M, 500M, 2B, 4B cells/vials

Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) are blood cells with a single round nucleus. These cells include lymphocytes (T, B and NK cells), monocytes and dendritic cells.  PBMCs are parts of the immune system which are critical to cell-mediated and humoral immunity. Our Human PBMCs are isolated from normal healthy donor leukopaks collected in acid-citrate-dextrose formula A (ACDA) as an anticoagulant. All donors must be tested negative for HBV, HCV, HIV and Syphilis and are IRB consented.

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are purified by a density gradient centrifugation (Ficoll-Paque) and are available in fresh and frozen (cryopreserved) format.  HumanCells' PBMC are isolated from Leuko Pak (Apheresis-derived) which are highly purified, containing a more pure population of mononuclear cells with higher viability when compared to buffy coat derived cells.

Storage Condition
Cryopreserved PBMCs can be stored in Liquid Nitrogen vapor phase for long-term storage.  Storage in liquid phase nitrogen is NOT recommended. Short-term storage of cells (less than 2 weeks) at -80°C is acceptable but should be minimized to ensure maximum stability. Once thawed, samples must be used immediately, and can not be frozen again.

Isolated Human Blood Cells
Cat No.Product Name
BMCD34-C5M Human Bone Marrow CD34+ Stem Cells
BMMN-C5M Human Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells (BMMCs)
CBCD14-C5M Human Cord Blood CD14+ Monocytes
CBCD19-C1M Human Cord Blood CD19+ B Cells
CBCD3-C10M Human Cord Blood CD3+ Pan T Cells
CBCD4-45RA-C5M Human Cord Blood CD4+/ CD45RA+ Naive T Cells
CBCD56-C1M Human Cord Blood CD56+ Nk Cells
CBCD8-C5M Human Cord Blood CD8+ Cytotoxic T Cells
CBMNC-C10M Human Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells (CB MNC)
FC-003-C10 Human Cord Blood Plasma
MPBCD34-C02M Human Mobilized Peripheral Blood CD34+ Stem Cells (MPB HSCs)
PBB-F03M Human Normal Peripheral Blood Basophils
PBCD14P-C10M Human Normal Peripheral Blood CD14+ Monocytes
PBCD3-C10M Human Normal Peripheral Blood CD3+ Pan T Cells
PBCD4-C10M Human Normal Peripheral Blood CD4+ T Helper Cells
PBCD4-Treg-C1M Human Normal Peripheral Blood CD4+/CD25+/CD127low Regulatory T Cells (T reg)
PBCD4Naive-C5M Human Normal Peripheral Blood CD4+/CD45RA+ Naive T Cells
PBCD4-45RO-F5M Human Normal Peripheral Blood CD4+/CD45RO+ Memory T Cells
PBCD56U-C5M Human Normal Peripheral Blood CD56+ NK Cells
PBCD8-C5M Human Normal Peripheral Blood CD8+ Cytotoxic T Cells
PBCD8-45RA-C5M Human Normal Peripheral Blood CD8+/CD45RA+ Naive Cytotoxic T Cells
PBE-F1M Human Normal Peripheral Blood Eosinophils
PBN-F40M Human Normal Peripheral Blood Neutrophils
Platelet-F5B Human Normal Peripheral Blood Platelets
PBRBC-F80B Human Normal Peripheral Blood Red Blood Cells (RBCs) / Mature Erythrocytes
PBCD19IgD-C1M Human Normal Peripheral Blood Untouched CD19+/IgD+ Naive B Cells
MPBMC-C50M Mobilized Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)
PBCD19P-C10M Positively Selected Normal Peripheral Blood CD19+ B Cells
Human Fresh Hematologic Tissue Products
Cat No.Product Name
FP-004-10 Human Healthy Donor Fresh Whole Blood
FP-001-1 Human Normal Peripheral Blood Leuko Pak
FP-003-10 Human Normal Apheresis Peripheral Blood Plasma
FP-005-10 Human Healthy Donor K2 EDTA Whole Blood Plasma
FP-006-C10 Human Healthy Donor Off-the-clot Serum
FP-002-1 Human Mobilized Peripheral Blood Leuko Pak
FC-003-C10 Human Cord Blood Plasma
FC-001-F10 Unprocessed Human Cord Blood
Non-human Primate Cells (Cynomolgus 및 Rhesus)
Cat No.Product Name
M3-010-C5M Naive Cynomolgus Peripheral Blood Mononuclear cells (Cynomolgus PBMCs)
M2-010-5 Naive Non-human Primate Whole Blood (Cynomolgus)
M2-011-10 Naive Non-human Primate Whole Blood (Rhesus)
M1-010-1 Naive Non-human Primate Whole Bone Marrow Aspirate (Cynomolgus)
M1-011-1 Naive Non-human Primate Whole Bone Marrow Aspirate (Rhesus)
M5-011-C10M Naive Rhesus Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (Rhesus PBMCs)
CynoCD3-F5M Non-human Primate (Cynomolgus) CD3+ Pan T Cells
CynoCD34-C1M Non-human Primate (Cynomolgus) CD34+ Stem / Progenitor Cells
CynoCD4-C5M Non-human Primate (Cynomolgus) CD4+ T Helper Cells
CynoCD8-C2M Non-human Primate (Cynomolgus) CD8+ Cytotoxic T Cells
RhesusCD3-F5M Non-human Primate (Rhesus) CD3+ Pan T Cells
RhesusCD34-C1M Non-human Primate (Rhesus) CD34+ Stem / Progenitor Cells
RhesusCD4-F5M Non-human Primate (Rhesus) CD4+ Helper T Cells
Göttingen Minipig (GöMP, 괴팅겐 미니피그)
  • Göttingen Minipig (GöMP) Peripheral Blood Plasma (K2EDTA)

    Göttingen Minipig (GöMP) Peripheral Blood Plasma (K2EDTA)

    GoMP-Plasma-10ml, 20ml, others (Frozen)

  • Göttingen Minipig Peripheral Blood Mononuclear cells

    Göttingen Minipig Peripheral Blood Mononuclear cells

    MinipigPBMC-C10M (Frozen, Fresh)

Diseased Human Products
Cat No.Product Name
AML-011-1ml AML Peripheral Blood Plasma (Newly Diagnosed / Untreated)
CLL-011-1ml CLL (Chronic lymphocytic leukemia) Plasma / PBMCs (Newly Diagnosed / Untreated)
CML-011-1ml CML PB Plasma/ PBMCs (Chronic Phase)
Crohn-011-1ml Crohn's Disease Leuko Pak / Whole Blood / Plasma
Graves-013-450ml Graves Thyroid Disease Plasma And Whole Blood
HBV-012-2 Hepatitis B (HBV) Patient Leuko Pak / Whole Blood / Plasma / Serum
HCV-012-2 Hepatitis C Leuko Pak / Whole Blood / Plasma
HIV2-012-2 HIV Type 2 (HIV-2) Leuko Pak / Whole Blood / Plasma
HIV1PBMC-C10M HIV-1 Positive PBMCs / Leukopaks / WB / Plasma
MM-011-1ml Multiple Myeloma PB Plasma (Newly Diagnosed / Untreated)
MS-012-2 Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Leuko Pak / Whole Blood / Plasma
OA-012-2 Osteoarthritis Leuko Pak / Whole Blood / Plasma
PS-012-2 Psoriasis Leuko Pak / Whole Blood / Plasma
RA-012-2 Rheumatoid Arthritis Leuko Pak / Whole Blood / Plasma / PBMCs
SLE-012-2 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Leuko Pak / Whole Blood / Plasma / PBMCs
T1D-012-2 Type 1 Diabetes Leuko Pak / Whole Blood / Plasma
T2D-012-2 Type 2 Diabetes Leuko Pak / Whole Blood / Plasma
UC-013-450ml Ulcerative Colitis Whole Blood and Plasma